LIFE Published November15, 2014 By Staff Reporter

Health Benefits Of Cinnamon

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Cinnamon is a spice that comes from the branches of wild trees that belong to the genus "Cinnamomum" - native to the Caribbean, South America, and Southeast Asia. Cinnamon is a sweet, aromatic spice and a medicine. It is one of the oldest spices known to
(Photo :

Cinnamon is a spice that comes from the branches of wild trees that belong to the genus "Cinnamomum" - native to the Caribbean, South America, and Southeast Asia. Cinnamon is a sweet, aromatic spice and a medicine. It is one of the oldest spices known to man. Its uses and benefits have been documented as early as 2700 B.C. throughout China, Europe and Egypt.

Cinnamon has long been a popular spice in baking and cooking. Research has found that it is not only delicious but it's healthy, too. Just make sure that you're buying true cinnamon and not cassia, which is often sold as cinnamon in stores. Here are 10 Health Benefits of Cinnamon that may make you want to include it in your diet every day, according to

Lower Cholesterol

Studies have shown that just 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon per day can lower LDL cholesterol.

Blood Sugar Regulation

Several studies suggest that cinnamon may have a regulatory effect on blood sugar, making it especially beneficial for people with Type 2 diabetes.

Brain and Gut Health

Some research suggests that the aroma and flavor of cinnamon acts as a cognitive stimulant, possibly improving working memory, visual-motor speed and virtual recognition memory. The bile salts have a reduced ability to damage colon cells, decreasing the risk of developing colon cancer. Since cinnamon is rich in dietary fiber, it may also provide relief from constipation.


Cinnamon has the ability to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, molds and yeasts, including Candida yeast. Researchers in this study observed that the cinnamon not only served as an effective preservative but also improved the flavor of the broth. In another study, researchers at Kansas State University discovered that cinnamon eliminates E. coli in unpasteurized apple cider.

Alzheimer's disease

Tel Aviv University researchers discovered that cinnamon may help prevent Alzheimer's disease. According to Prof. Michael Ovadia, of the Department of Zoology at Tel Aviv University, an extract found in cinnamon bark, called CEppt, contains properties that can inhibit the development of the disease.


A study of Indian medicinal plants revealed that cinnamon may potentially be effective against HIV4. According to the study authors, "the most effective extracts against HIV-1 and HIV-2 are respectively Cinnamomum cassia (bark) and Cardiospermum helicacabum .

Multiple Sclerosis

Cinnamon may help stop the destructive process of multiple sclerosis (MS), according to a neurological scientist at Rush University Medical Center. Cinnamon could help eliminate the need to take some expensive and unpleasant drugs.

High in Nutrients

Cinnamon is an excellent source of the trace mineral manganese and a very good source of dietary fiber, iron and calcium. Calcium and fiber are a powerful combination. They both bind to bile salts and remove them from the body.

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