"Thor 3: Ragnarok" plot and cast details remain to be very limited online.
As of writing, the only thing certain for the third flick is Chris Hemsworth's return, and the movie's overall dark theme because of the Ragnarok storyline. But could it be possible to have a female villain the upcoming MCU phase 3 movie?
In a promotional tour for "In The Heart of the Sea," Chris dished who among his "The Huntsman: Winter's War" co-stars could be a villain in "Thor 3: Ragnarok."
"They all have potential to scare the hell out of me, any of those women," he said, referring to actresses Emily Blunt, Charlize Theron and Jessica Chastain. "I felt like the little brother, getting bossed around by these three women in the best way."
"Oh God, don't make me pick one... maybe Jessica, but only because [Emily Blunt and Charlize Theron] are already villains in our film."
Given that it was a hypothetical question, a site claimed that Jessica could be a good addition to the MCU.
"However, there is one thing that makes casting Chastain as Thor: Raganrok's villain the wiser move, and that's because it would avoid type casting," Cinema Blend reported.
"Think about it: Blunt and Theron have done the baddie thing, and are about to do it again in the new Huntsman film. Chastain, on the other hand, really only has her experience as Lady Lucille Sharpe when it comes to her villain cred; and if she wants to play a more fun villain, a Marvel flick would be a great opportunity to branch out in the ways of evil."
With the impending doom of Asgard in "Thor 3: Ragnarok," curious fans are left to wonder what will happen to the MCU phase 3 flick's key characters.
Not a lot has been revealed about the character development in the third movie, but rumors continue to circulate online that if Thor and Loki will survive the apocalypse back at Asgard, there are a few notable people who might not.
Word on the street is that Heimdall and Lady Sif could be some of the few casualties.
"If anyone has a target on their back, it's this guy," Movie Pilot reported, referring to Heimdall.
"Not only was he the walking and talking dead guy in Thor's vision, he's one of the unlucky ones to perish in the aforementioned Ragnarok of the comic books. The only thing keeping Heimdall alive by the end of Thor 3 would be because his death would be a little too obvious and expected."
"If Thor needed any extra motivation to open up some heavy duty Thunder God sized cans of whoop-ass, what better excuse than to seek some bloody vengence for the death of Lady Sif," the article added.
Stay tuned for more "Thor 3: Ragnarok" plot and cast updates here!