TRENDING Published January5, 2016 By Zuellen Reynoso

It's Glenn, Again: Maggie In Despair In 'The Walking Dead' Season 6, No Fake Death This Time?

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'The Walking Dead', Season 6, Death, Glenn
(Photo : Robin Marchant | Getty Images Entertainment)

Glenn is again on the chopping block? "The Walking Dead" season 6 major character death hinted and it's not fake this time.

The first part of "The Walking Dead" season 6 has been a rollercoaster ride, especially with Glenn (Steven Yeun) supposedly being eaten alive, which left fans hanging for a good few episodes. After Glenn resurrected from the dumpsters (literally), it seemed death won't come to the soon-to-be father for a while.

AMC has continued to surprise fans worldwide as the latest "The Walking Dead" season 6 mid-season trailer unleashed yet another mind-boggling puzzle about what seems like another major character death. While it was thought that Glenn would be safe from what can only be predicted as another morbid exit, Maggie (Lauren Cohen) in the mid-season 6 "The Walking Dead" trailer revealed otherwise.

Previous reports have pointed out that while death is inevitable in "The Walking Dead" series, especially the hair-raising season 6, Maggie's spine-tingling albeit short clip in the recent trailer could be a sign that her husband, Glenn, could finally meet his doom.

In the first part of "The Walking Dead" season 6, Glenn's death was attributed to the suicide of Nicholas (Michael Traynor) that led to the internet exploding, after speculations of his survival surfaced. Episodes after "The Walking Dead" season 6, episode 7 unleashed a barely alive Glenn, who managed to hide himself under the corpse of Nicholas and crawl under a dumpster. Now, the latest trailer for "The Walking Dead" season 6 seemed to imply that Glenn again is in trouble.

A report by Moviepilot revealed that Maggie's screaming, plus the voiceover narration for the upcoming part 2 of "The Walking Dead" season 6 gives a strong inkling that Glenn's death, not fake, could happen as the AMC show returns.

There could be a lot of situations that will bring this, including the arrival of Negan, who is expected to be a big boss villain in the comic series. Inquisitr revealed that Negan could bring the death of a major character in "The Walking Dead" season 6, and this definitely includes Glenn as one of the many, but most obvious possibilities.

What do you think about this character death speculation? "The Walking Dead" season 6 episode 9 arrives this Feb. 14.

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