Smartphone use in dim light may cause eye cancer, a new report says. An unnamed man knew this too late.
Currently, there is a report circulating of an unnamed 40-years-old diagnosed with eye cancer in Hong Kong because of his smartphone usage patterns. He initially went to the hospital because of suspected pinkeye, but fount out he has eye cancer instead.
Allegedly, he always use his phone in the dark for 30 minutes before sleeping. Because of this, his macular eye degraded, impairing his vision, and is now diagnosed with cancer. Unfortunately, his doctors cannot do anything for him because replacing the retina is still difficult thing to do.
The debate on whether mobile phones is really linked to eye cancer is still ongoing. The Verge cited a German study and reported that using mobile phones can lead to a rare form of eye cancer. Based on the findings of the study, regular use of cellphones can lead to uveal melanoma. This cancer only affects a few in every 100,000 people. The study was published in the journal Epidemiology.
However, other reports claimed that there is no conclusive link between cellphone use and eye cancer. Interestingly, there are newer reports citing the role of smartphones in detecting cancer. The Verge reported that with the help of the smartphone camera flash, a retinoblastoma can already be detected among young children.
This is a great help since this is a rare type of aggressive eye cancer. Children who are snapped with the a smartphone and have white glow around their pupils in the children might mean there is a tumor growing inside the eye. The Childhood Eye Cancer Trust (CHECT) already run a campaign last year to raise awareness of the smartphone's capacity.