Resources Published October31, 2019 By Staff Reporter

Is Your Child Suffering Due To Medical Negligence? Here's What To Do!

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 Is Your Child Suffering Due To Medical Negligence? Here's What To Do!
(Photo : Is Your Child Suffering Due To Medical Negligence? Here's What To Do!)

Every parent is concerned about the health and well-being of their children. This is the reason that they want only the best medical care for the little ones whenever they require it. Unfortunately, medical negligence cases are as common for young children as they are for adults. Though no parent would want their child to suffer due to the negligence of a practitioner, the silver lining is that they can claim compensation if something unfortunate happens. Here are some facts that you should know if your child is suffering due to medical negligence. 

Types of pediatric negligence 

Essentially, pediatric negligence refers to the cases in which children suffer due to mistakes during their treatment. Cases may range from birth injuries to cerebral palsy, delay in diagnosis of certain congenital conditions, general medicine malpractice, neonatology malpractices, failure to identify and treat conditions such as childhood diabetes, epilepsy and asthma, and more. Administration of wrong medicines and faulty doses also come under the scope of pediatric negligence.  If your obstetrician, general practitioner, orthopedic surgeon, nurse, or any healthcare provider has shown negligence in treating your child and the child has suffered an injury, the child may be eligible for claiming compensation.

You need to prove that there was negligence 

When your child suffers due to the negligence of a medical practitioner, you have a right to claim compensation by filing a lawsuit. Whether the negligence has happened before the baby's birth, during the early months of life or later in grown-up children, you can surely win the case if you are able to prove that the practitioner has been negligent. Primarily, you need a specialist legal professional who knows the law and the related medical condition inside out. For example, you should look for cerebral palsy attorneys if your child suffers from this condition due to the negligence of the doctor. Having the right lawyer to represent your case maximizes your chances of getting a fair claim.

You have a fair claim if your child has suffered harm due to malpractice

The critical issue in medical malpractice cases is whether the negligence has actually caused harm to the victim. Therefore, you have to prove it to ensure that your claim is fair enough. For example, if you are filing a case of misdiagnosis for your child, you will have to show that the child was harmed due to it. In simple words, you must prove that some harm could be avoided had the practitioner diagnosed the condition properly and provided relevant treatment quickly. The claim value is calculated on the basis of medical treatment (past, present, and future) and the pain and suffering borne by your child. 

As a parent, you would want the practitioner responsible for medical negligence against your child to be punished. At the same time, the compensation you get can be helpful for the subsequent treatment and financial security of the sick child. So you should make sure that you have the best attorney to handle your case and get you the compensation that your child deserves. 

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