BEAUTY&STYLE Published March12, 2020 By Staff Reporter

Clear Your Skin Of Acne With These Tips

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Clear Your Skin Of Acne With These Tips
(Photo : Clear Your Skin Of Acne With These Tips)

Acne is a skin condition that is most commonly associated with teenagers. However, adults are not completely immune to the condition, with studies suggesting that about half of the adult population suffer from the condition at some point. Acne typically affects the face, upper back, shoulders, and sometimes the chest area. Acne occurs when the follicles of the hair are plugged with oil as well as cells of dead skin. It results in whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples.

Causes of Acne

The leading causes of acne include;

. The clogging of hair follicles as a result of excess oil production or by dead skin

. Bacterial infections that arise from lack of proper skin hygiene

. Excess androgen hormone activity

Acne frequently occurs when:

. Boys and girls reach puberty, and the amount of hormone production increases hence causing the sebaceous glands to enlarge and produce more oil.

. When women are pregnant and experience a lot of hormonal changes

. When women use oral contraceptives that also affect hormone and sebum production

. When you use certain medications with lithium, testosterone or corticosteroids

. When both men and women have diets with a lot of milk and carbs. Studies have found that high glycemic load diets may exacerbate acne.

Symptoms of Acne

Below are some common symptoms for acne:

1. Papules - these are small often red and tender bumps

2. Blackheads - these are pores that often appear to be open and plugged (also known as black pimples)

3. Whiteheads - unlike blackheads these pores are closed and plugged (also referred to as white pimples)

4. Pustules - also known as pimples, these are papules that often have pus on their tip

5. Nodules - these are large, solid, painful lumps that occur beneath the skin surface

6. Cystic lesions - these are painful, often pus-filled lumps that also occur at the bottom of the surface of the skin

The symptoms differ from one person to another, depending on the severity of the condition. 

Acne Treatment


Medication is the obvious treatment for acne when the condition becomes extremely severe. Several over-the-counter medicines can take care of the condition. These medications contain ingredients that primarily help to kill bacteria and reduce the amount of oil on the skin. Some of these ingredients found in over-the-counter medicines include;

Benzoyl peroxide - this works by drying out existing pimples and preventing new ones from forming. It also helps to kill bacteria that causes acne

Sulfur - this is an organic element that acts as a cleansing agent and a mask. It, however, has a strong and distinctive smell

Resorcinol - this ingredient helps to remove dead skin cells from the skin hence keeping them from blocking the pores and causing acne

Salicylic acid - This is also a cleansing agent that helps to prevent pores of the skin from getting plugged

Below are some prescription medications used for acne treatment:

Antibiotics - these medications, such as lymecycline, help to reduce inflammations that are caused by acne by killing the bacteria that cause the symptoms. Normally, doctors prescribe these antibiotics only for a short time. This helps to keep the body from building resistance and causing infections. Antibiotics can either be taken orally or topically.

Creams - these medications are stronger than those that are obtained over the counter. Examples of such creams are retinoic acid and benzoyl peroxide. They work by reducing the amount of oil that the skin produces. Some creams also help to kill the bacteria that cause acne while also helping to cure inflammation.

Non-Medicinal related treatments

You can also treat acne by cleaning your skin regularly using mild soap, shampooing your hair daily, and using water-based makeup that does not clog the pores. Exfoliating and moisturizing the skin using the right products can also help to reduce acne.

Take Away

Some people find it hard to eliminate the condition even when using acne treatments which are typically effective. This is mostly the case when acne is caused by heredity, pregnancy, puberty, and stress, among other natural causes. However, in such a case, you can strive towards reducing the symptoms by exercising proper hygiene, eating well, and using acne products.

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