BEAUTY&STYLE Published March23, 2020 By Staff Reporter

Consider These Factors Before Undergoing Plastic or Cosmetic Surgery

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Consider These Factors Before Undergoing Plastic or Cosmetic Surgery
(Photo : Unsplash)

Undergoing plastic or cosmetic surgery has become a frequent solution for individuals looking to improve their appearance, boost their self-esteem, and even enhance their wellbeing. Though such procedures can be effective in those regards, undergoing any type of surgery is a decision that shouldn't be made lightly. Taking the time to educate yourself fully prior to making a choice is ideal. Here are some factors to consider: 

Your Reason

The first thing you need to consider is why you're interested in getting surgery? Obviously, if the surgery is for the sake of your health and wellbeing, proceeding with cosmetic surgery may be ideal. However, if your reasoning has to do with wanting to look like someone else, to save your failing relationship, to get someone to like you, or to get a promotion, you may want to take more time to think about your choice. Though plastic surgery and advanced technologies have come a long way, it is not a surefire solution to any of those circumstances. 

The Costs

Though getting breast implants after recovering from breast cancer or receiving rhinoplasty after a bad accident may be reasons for your insurance to cover the costs of the procedure, not all plastic or cosmetic surgeries are covered. If the type of surgery you're interested in getting isn't covered by insurance, you'll need to determine if you have the financial means to pay for it yourself. Sure, there are financing opportunities available through some surgeons, but you'll still need to make sure you can afford the monthly payments to avoid falling further into debt. 

The Risks

Today's innovative technologies have afforded surgeons the ability to perform surgeries in a safer and more efficient manner. Be that as it may, there are still risks involved when you go under the knife. From excessive bleeding and infections to dissatisfied results and botched surgeries, a lot could go wrong. Though there are solutions like revision rhinoplasty and other procedures to correct botched jobs, you want to make sure that you have a clear understanding of everything that could go wrong. If you cannot live with the potential risks, perhaps looking into other solutions to your problem is ideal. 

The Surgeon

When entrusting someone with essentially your life, you want to make sure that you're working with someone who has experience. Before making an appointment for plastic surgery, schedule a consultation and get to learn more about the surgeon. Find out their educational experience, professional experience, success rate, and even talk to some of their clients to get a firsthand account of what to expect. Also, make sure that whoever you've chosen to complete the surgery has the proper credentials including accreditation, licensing, and insurance as there are a lot of con artists out there doing illegal procedures. 

The Procedure

You should never undergo any type of surgery without first knowing what to expect. After deciding which revisions would be ideal for you, find out from the surgeon how the process works. From start to finish you should know what will take place while you're under anesthesia. They should also provide you with clear instructions on what to do the days leading up to and the days following the surgery for your safety and best results. 


While some surgeries have become so advanced that you can essentially feel better in just a day or two, others take longer to recover from. Since you'll likely need to take off from work and enlist the help of others to care for you until you're back on your feet, you need to know what you'll experience after the surgery and how long it takes to recover. The surgeon and/or supporting medical staff will likely provide you with a detailed list of things to do to properly recover from your surgery. Be sure to read these instructions in full and plan in advance if necessary to ensure you recover quickly and comfortably. 

From the rich and famous to the everyday person, cosmetic and plastic surgeries are continuing to grow in popularity for a number of reasons. If this is something that interests you, be sure that you don't make the decision without knowing all of the facts. By getting answers to the above-mentioned considerations, you can make a more informed decision on whether or not surgery is the best option for you and how to best get through the process from start to finish. 

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