TEEN HEALTH Published April21, 2020 By Staff Reporter

Seeking Help When You're Overwhelmed By Stress

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Seeking Help When You're Overwhelmed By Stress
(Photo : Seeking Help When You're Overwhelmed By Stress)

Whether it's caused by work or a difficult situation at home, illness, hormonal issues or something more difficult to define, stress can be very hard to live with. Studies have shown that it has a close physiological relationship to pain and, just like pain, it can sometimes become overwhelming. You can't fix this simply by trying to battle through it because that will tire you in a way that makes it worse. Trying to ignore it isn't a practical long-term strategy either. You will need to take action in order to get better. Some of this will take a while, but there are some things you can do straight away.

Manage your symptoms

The first thing you'll need to do if you're feeling overwhelmed is to get your symptoms under control. Deep breathing exercises can help with feelings of panic or being unable to cope, and for best results, you should start them as soon as you start to feel that something is wrong. If you find yourself unable to stop thinking stressful thoughts, stop and make a list for yourself of five things you can see, four things you can hear, three things you can feel, two things you can smell and one thing you can taste. This simple exercise will refocus your mind and enable you to get back in control of your emotions.

Speak to someone - anyone

Facing up to the fact that your stress levels have become a problem can be difficult, but keeping it bottled up inside doesn't help. We live in a stressful world and there's nothing shameful about finding yourself in need of help - it doesn't mean you're weak, just that you have a heavy burden to carry. The first time you talk about it, you'll feel that burden grow a little lighter. It can be an effort to talk, but it's worth it, and it will get easier each time you do open up. If you're not yet ready to confide in a friend or a doctor, even talking to a pet can help you to take that first step towards getting help.

Identify stress triggers

Acute attacks of stress don't usually come out of nowhere, even if that's how the situation first appears. Take notes as soon as possible after they happen and try to identify common factors. They might be related to thinking about particular subjects or the cause may be something more subtle, such as low blood sugar (if it has been a while since you ate) or having to interact with new people. Once you've identified triggers, it's much easier to deal with them. You may be able to take practical steps (such as altering your eating habits), work through your worries with a counsellor, or simply reduce the number of stressful situations you deal with each day until you start to feel better.

Get counselling

Counselling goes beyond simple talking and will help you to identify any underlying causes of stress that you may not have been aware of. It can also involve learning techniques that help you to manage your stress more effectively. If the thought of going to see a counselor is stressful in itself, or if it's simply difficult for you to fit it into your schedule, online therapy may be a practical option for you. Counsellors are used to helping people in your situation, and you can rely on them to be discreet. Often, therapy like this is sufficient on its own to manage stress. If not, it can be a first step towards accessing medication.

Reduce general stress factors

Even if it's difficult to tackle the specific causes of your stress, you can improve your situation by reducing other contributing factors. Making sure that you get enough sleep every night, eat healthily and stay hydrated. Try to spend less time with people who wear you out or make you feel bad about yourself. Review your working arrangements and see if changing your hours or the type of tasks you take on could help. If you feel under too much pressure at home, don't be shy about asking for help. Don't worry if you feel that you're letting people down - looking after yourself now means you'll be in better shape to help others later.

You don't have to let stress get the better of you. Even if it feels impossible to deal with at the time, remember that other people have been in similar places and come through. By taking the right steps to deal with it, you can, too.

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