BEAUTY&STYLE Published May29, 2020 By Staff Reporter

Non-surgical Hair Loss Treatment Options

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Non-surgical Hair Loss Treatment Options
(Photo : Non-surgical Hair Loss Treatment Options)

Hair loss can occur in both men and women for a variety of reasons. But thankfully, there are now several effective methods to help reduce hair thinning and hair loss. That includes surgical options like hair transplants. However, as with any surgical procedure, there are risks involved. Complications and side effects can arise. So, a better way to help reduce your hair loss may be a non-surgical option. Here are the most popular choices available to you.

Drug Treatments

Two medicines can help to reduce hair loss. Firstly, finasteride is a highly effective and clinically-proven drug treatment that helps men to retain their locks. It works by preventing testosterone from converting into DHT, which is the hormone that shrinks follicles and causes hair loss. It's an especially effective treatment for balding crowns and receding hairlines. Finasteride is available in pill form. Nine out of ten men taking finasteride either experience more hair growth or stop losing hair so quickly. Finasteride is available from reputable companies such as this one.

Minoxidil is the other available drug treatment. You can purchase it in liquid or spray form. Apply it directly to your scalp twice a day. Minoxidil works by increasing the blood flow that stimulates your hair follicles to go from the resting stage to the growth stage. It fights hair loss in both men and women. And studies show over two-thirds of people with male pattern baldness see an improvement in their hair growth after using minoxidil regularly.

Low-Level Laser Therapy

It's not known why low-level laser therapy exactly works, but it could encourage more hair follicles to grow, speed up the reproduction of cells, or improve how well cells work. Low-level lasers can boost blood flow to hair roots, which brings nutrients and energy that hair needs to grow. When LLLT works, you can see thicker, fuller hair in approximately six months. However, the procedure does not work if you are completely bald. And more research is needed to know the best way to use LLLT and find out how long the effects last.

Platelet-Rich Plasma Treatment

Platelets contain hundreds of specific proteins called growth factors that can help to heal. Platelet-rich plasma is made by taking some of your blood, spinning it to separate the platelets from other cells, and putting those platelets back into your bloodstream. PRP treatment is often used for tendon tears, wounds, and arthritis pain. But now it is being used to help regrow hair. A doctor can inject PRP into your scalp with a tiny needle. The growth factors can then make or stimulate new follicles. After a few months, your hair could be thicker and fuller than before. Furthermore, there are no known side effects to the treatment. However, there is not yet one standard procedure for PRP treatment.

A Scalp Tension Reduction Device

Although things like the hormone DHT can play a significant role in hair thinning or hair loss, the underlying cause of pattern baldness is scalp tension. It occurs when your scalp's muscles are constricted for an ongoing amount of time. It can happen from things like mental or physical stress. If scalp tension occurs for too long, the scalp's tissues can become inflamed. When that happens, your body sends hormones to the afflicted area to reverse the effects. One of those hormones is DHT. To combat scalp tension, you can have regular scalp massages or use a scalp tension reduction device. It loosens and relaxes the tissues near your muscles to reduce inflammation. By using a scalp tension reduction device for ten minutes a day, you should see results.

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