LIVING HEALTHY Published February2, 2022 By David Thompson

Flu Shots: Cost And Availability in 2022

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Flu Shots: Cost And Availability in 2022
(Photo : Ronstik)

A flu shot is a vaccine that prevents people from getting the flu caused by the influenza virus. It is important to note that this is not the virus that causes COVID-19.

A vaccine can be defined as a medication that is used to create immunity against illnesses and diseases in human beings. A vaccine is administered through a shot, or rather an injection is used to administer the vaccine into the body - mostly through the arm.

The influenza virus causes serious flu that can make a person get hospitalized. In some cases, it can lead to death. 

Even though flu seasons are different and affect different people differently, there are millions of people who are affected by the flu every year, with most of them getting hospitalized and others losing their lives.

It is, therefore, important for every person to ensure that they get flu shots to prevent them from this flu or reduce the severity of other diseases that might be made worse by the flu.

The Cost of Flu Shots

If you are paying for your own flu shots, you will be forced to part with between $25 and $70. However, this depends on the kind of flu shot that you are getting. And the good news is that you do not have to worry about this cost with insurance companies.

Does Medicare cover flu shots? Well, it depends on the insurance plan you've got. For example, the flu shot is totally free under Medicare Part B.  

Availability of Flu Shots

You can get flu shots in different clinics, pharmacies, and doctor's offices. You do not have to look for your regular nurse or doctor when looking for a flu shot, even though it is always a better choice.

This is because you can also get the flu shot in different health departments, college health centers, urgent care clinics, and in some workplaces or even schools. This depends on the type of flu shot you need and the mode of payment for those who have insurance covers.

Why Should You Get a Flu Shot Every Year?

It is important to ensure that you get a flu shot every year. This is because the immune protection offered by a vaccine on people declines over a period of time, making it necessary to get the flu vaccine annually.

In addition, the influenza virus changes every now and then. This means that the flu shot composition has to be changed every year to match the new influenza virus.

When research indicates the most likely virus to cause havoc during the flu season, the vaccines are updated to help prevent people from getting the flu.

Any person who is at least six months old should be vaccinated against the flu.

How Long Does it Take for the Flu Vaccine to Work?

Unfortunately, you will not be protected right away after getting the flu shot. It takes a period of about two weeks for a healthy body to develop antibodies that offer protection from the influenza virus.

This makes it important to ensure that you are vaccinated even before the flu season or the spread of the virus starts in your community.

Are You Fully Protected with a Flu Vaccine?

Finally, it is important to note that some people might still get the flu even after they have been vaccinated. However, this does not mean that the vaccine does not work. In such people, the severity of the illness is reduced. This ensures that they are not at any risk.

In other instances, the flu shot reduces the severity of other illnesses. In addition to the flu shot, it is important for every person to use natural ways to stay healthy during the flu season.

This might include things like eating healthy meals, washing hands, and keeping a social distance at all times.

Getting the flu shot is quite important especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is because, with fewer flu-related admissions in the hospital, we can have more doctors and nurses dedicated to COVID-19 patients.

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