LIVING HEALTHY Published June27, 2022 By Digital Nod

Surprising Health Benefits of Riding a Motorcycle

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Surprising Health Benefits of Riding a Motorcycle
(Photo : Harley-Davidson via Unsplash)

It's not a secret that riding a motorbike is an adrenaline rush for people who are seeking thrills. However, it's less known that owning a motorbike can actually have a range of health benefits, in particular, according to studies, for our mental health too. It goes without saying that careful consideration should be given before buying or riding a bike. Otherwise, you might end up hiring professional help from motorcycle accident lawyers if you are involved in a road injury. That said, riding a motorcycle safely can end up with amazing health results that have been promoted by motorbiking enthusiasts for many years, and here are some of them.

Keeps you fit

When you're navigating a motorbike, you are working on your body's core strength; specifically, working on the back muscles and strengthening your neck. It can also improve your knees and thighs from constantly using them to grip while riding. If you think about how much a motorbike weighs on average, then a rider needs to use their body in order to steer and balance themselves, especially in windy conditions. Subsequently, our muscles become more toned, and as a result, we burn off more calories. You may have to build up your body's stamina initially, but providing your motorbike fits you and your posture is correct, your muscles will most certainly be more toned.

Better connected

Just like riding a normal bicycle, being on a motorbike is guaranteed to make you better connected with the environment, which you don't get from being covered by all sides in a car. The smells, sights and sounds of nature are all around you on top of a bike so you automatically connect with nature in a more intense way. In turn, this helps you connect spiritually too whereby riding can bring you an inner calm from being outside in the fresh air. In addition, the chances are you'll be riding in good weather so your exposure to the sun and the Vitamin D it provides is greatly increased.

Improves cognitivity

In comparison to sitting in a car, riding a motorbike involves both physical and mental work. Therefore, when doing this kind of activity, our brains are functioning in the prefrontal areas, activated by how much we have to concentrate. Scientists have also found that riding a motorbike daily can potentially slow down the onset of memory loss diseases, such as Dementia and Alzheimer's disease. This is accredited to the fact that riding one demands a high degree of alertness in combination with having to solve problems quickly. Additionally, when our brains are stimulated, it can improve any symptoms of depression too.

Boosts positivity

Bike riders will tell you that there's nothing better than hitting the open road on a motorbike. Why? Maybe because it's been linked to improving your mental health by increasing endorphins to the brain. These 'happy hormones' after achieving ultimate happiness from being on a long ride are likely to not just enhance our mood but also raise our pleasure too. Professional bikers have also likened riding a bike to simultaneously, being in a state of mindful meditation. This is because we have to be fully engaged, i.e. in the present, while riding. There's less inclination for stress or worries as you are constantly analyzing the roads and situations, which can also help you focus better.

Live longer

All of these health benefits can accumulate to form other advantages too. For example, it can slow down anti-aging effects by looking and feeling younger from having less stress and enhancing physical exercise. Plus, when you're happier and more relaxed, you will usually have a better night's sleep, not to mention the physical tiredness you might feel from a long bike ride. You'll also be contributing to improving the environment as motorbikes use less resources to build and have lower carbon emissions than a car, for example. Therefore, it can help us all live longer by being greener.

Increasingly, our daily lives are more hectic and stressful so motorbike riding can offer us all a healthy alternative. Just make sure you follow all the safety guidelines, such as choosing a correct helmet, in order to avoid dangerous hazards. Plus, it's also a good idea to do some stretches before getting on the back of a bike, and make sure you take plenty of breaks, especially on a long ride. But, once you're suited and booted, take a break from life and hit the open road.

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