TRENDING Published February3, 2015 By Alex Turner

Guns N’ Roses New Album In The Works! DJ Ashba Confirms Band Still Getting Some Help From Axl Rose! Is A Reunion Tour Imminent?

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DJ Ashba
(Photo : Kevin Winter | Getty Images Entertainment)

Just when G n' R fans thought they are stuck with past Gun's N Roses albums, they are in for a treat this 2015! Guns N' Roses guitarist DJ Ashba confirmed with Legendary Rock Interviews that 2015 will be a productive year for the band, possibly going on tour and recording a new album.

According to Ashba (via Metalinsider):

"We are planning on doing quite a bit of touring this coming year. The focus is getting in a studio and putting together what we all feel is the best Guns N' Roses record. Lack of material is not an issue. We have tons of stuff. Axl has two full albums that he has recorded, he has played me a bunch of songs off of that, are incredible! I can't wait to get in and kind of dive into those as well. I've written tons of songs & demoed up a bunch of stuff. I think it is just a matter of getting in & sifting through the piles of material."

The website also added that Guitarist Richard Fortus hinted a new material in 2015 back in April after a seven year hiatus in the recording studio. The band's last album was labeled Chinese Democracy.

The most intriguing part about Ashba's statement was Axl having "two full albums." If that is proven to be true, could a reunion tour be on its way?

Sadly, one of the most iconic members of the band, Slash, is not inclined to do a reunion and have called it quits with the band. From Ottawa Citizen's report:

"I have a lot less distractions - a lot less, at least, unnecessary distractions - in the situation that I'm in now. What I intended to do from the get go was never really that complicated. But success and money and all that kind of stuff, it just makes life complicated.

Really the only people that obsess about Guns n' Roses is media. I think it's just lack of imagination. I'm an in-the-moment person. I don't look too far in the future and I definitely don't draw on past stuff. Whatever it is that you're doing right this second, just do that and do the best you can at it. And just keep pushing forward, always forward."

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