A few days ago, Indiana aired their plea for help to curb the growing HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) outbreak to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Now, they are about to declare a public health emergency in Southern Indiana over an emerging HIV outbreak.
Health officials confirm that a total of 72 cases of HIV have been confirmed while seven tested positive for their preliminary tests and confirmatory examinations are set to be conducted. In the past three months, the rise in the number of cases is pretty alarming compared to their past trends. They blame the infections to the repeated use of needles in the administration of an intravenous drug.
The initial count of cases was at 26 cases and it had risen to 72 in just a short span of time. Indiana Republican Gov. Mike Pence said on Wednesday that he is considering a needle-exchange program as part of the public health emergency.
An executive order was passed on Thursday that will highlight actions to fight the outbreak. He said in a report by Indiana Star that the program will last for about 30 days and will be re-evaluated as its sole purpose is to stop the outbreak.
"This is a public health emergency and I'm listening to my health department, I'm listening to the Centers for Disease Control and I'll make my decision based on the best science and the best way we can stop this virus and stop this outbreak in its tracks," Pence said.
The program entails turning in hypodermic needles and get clean ones in exchange. This can fight not only HIV but other infectious diseases like hepatitis B and hepatitis C, reported Fox News.
However, the cases of HIV are expected to rise and now they are tracing around 100 people who were related to those who were infected with the virus. Indiana also launched a campaign to raise the awareness of people about HIV and how it can be transmitted from one person to another.
"This is all-hands-on-deck. This is a very serious situation," said Pence.