Aromatherapy was claimed to be a potent procedure which can cure a lot of ailments and lead to a holistic well-being of an individual who has a healthy mind, body and soul. Why is aromatherapy considered an effective way to ease pain, discomfort and promote relaxation? There is much information pertaining to the theory behind aromatherapy.
It is believed that when these aromatic substances are inhaled, it stimulates a part of the brain through the nose or the olfactory system. The smell from these essential oils sends messages to the brain through nerves in the olfactory system. The brain then interprets the smell and can set off a reaction in the body. This can lead to effects in the physical, psychological and emotional aspects of the body. When the limbic system of the brain is stimulated by the stimulus of smell, it can lead to effects on the mood and emotions of the individual.
Another theory pertaining to the use of essential oils is that these oils are immediately absorbed in the skin. It will then go to the bloodstream and affect the specific organ or function in the body.
Essential oils have direct pharmacological effect to the body and they are claimed to have a harmonious relationship with the body. When these substances enter the body either by smell or topically, it can create a sound and relaxed body and mind.
The power of essential oils in setting the mood and pain relief has been proven by many studies worldwide. It is widely used in many countries across the globe in the pursuit of promoting relaxation, relieving pain and enhancing the emotional well-being of individuals.
Essential oils are now known worldwide for the many benefits they possess from health to beauty regimens. Furthermore, they are organic and natural. Hence, it is unlikely to cause any serious side effects. They are easy to find and their aromas are addicting, making aromatherapy a good time for relaxation.