LIVING HEALTHY Published October21, 2014 By Staff Reporter

Avoiding Sugar, Caffeine, and Dairy Helps Prevent Candida Overgrowth

(Photo : Pixabay)

Candida or yeast overgrowth not only creates an uncomfortable feeling in the body, it also leads to more health problems that could be potentially detrimental.

Thankfully, with the advent of various technological avenues and ongoing research, the Candida infection is better understood. Experts have found that Candida infection can be prevented, and it does not entail rocket science to do this. Simple, everyday measures are already capable of dramatically staving off the overgrowth of yeast infections.

Go Easy on the Sugar

Like most infections, Candida feeds on sugar. A diet high in sugar, especially the refined kind, can make a person more susceptible to Candida overgrowth. Sugar should be minimized, if not completely eliminated, and such sugars include natural sugars found in sweet fruits like oranges, peaches, mangoes, and pineapples; as well as naturally occurring sugars in molasses, maple syrup, rice syrup, and honey. Go easy on your sugar intake and Candida will not so much as desire to flourish in your system as much as it used to. 

Minimize Caffeine Intake

Beverages high in caffeine, such as coffee and specific types of tea, can spike up blood sugars, weaken the adrenals, and impair the immune system. This further promotes the overgrowth of Candida. Also, coffee contains mold, which can cause problems with Candida and other fungal infections. 

Be Wary of the Dairy

As much as most people love anything with dairy, the lactose in milk is also a type of sugar that can further inspire candida overgrowth. Doctors say that almost all dairy are to be avoided, except for butter and ghee. Admittedly, not everyone's lifestyle can permit this drastic change, so moderation is key. Cutting down on dairy poses a lot of advantages as much as fully eliminating it. For instance, small amounts of raw and sugar-free yogurt are fine, as the lactose has been largely consumed during fermentation.

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