Scenes At The Lindo Wing As It's Announced That The Duchess Of...
By:Chris Jackson
Getty Images Entertainment
After a week-long anticipation following Kate Middleton's tentative April due date, the Ducess of Cambridge has given birth to royal baby number 2. And she is a girl!
She is the Queen's fifth great-grandchild and she is the first female heir to the title, "Princess of Cambridge" after a 182-year gap. She was born at 8:34 am local time Saturday, weighing 8lbs 3 oz.
Kensington Palace announced the birth of the new Princess on Twitter.
A statement from Kensington Palace added, "The Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Harry and members of both families have been informed and are delighted with the news."
The Palace said both the baby and mother are doing well.
After the announcement from Kensington, a town crier stood on the steps of Lindo Wing at St. Mary's Hospital officially said, "We welcome with humble duty the new baby of their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge."
UK PM David Cameron, who has been following the royal baby number 2's arrival since it coincided with his election campaign, tweeted: "Congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on the birth of their baby girl. I'm absolutely delighted for them," BBC reported.
Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall, Camille Bowles Parker said they were delighted by the news since they were hoping for a "grand-daughter" after the birth of Prince George.
A letter patent by Queen Elizabeth said, "All the children of the eldest son of the Prince of Wales should have and enjoy the style, title and attribute of royal highness with the titular dignity of prince or princess prefixed to their Christian names or with such other titles of honour," reported BBC News.
A new rule enacted in March will keep any male siblings born after the royal baby number 2 from succeeding to the throne before her, who will be given the title, "the Princess of Cambridge."
Royal baby number 2 is "is the first (princess) born into the Royal family for 25 years, the last being Princess Eugenie in 1990," the Telegraph reported. And she shares the Zodiac sign Taurus with her great-grandmother, Queen Elizabeth.