LIVING HEALTHY Published October29, 2014 By Staff Reporter

Coping With Stress at Work: America Psychological Association

(Photo : Pixabay)

Stress can take its toll on even the calmest person around. After all, no one is exempted from experiencing it; the difference lies in how you cope with and manage it. In a 2013 survey conducted by the American Psychological Association's Center for Organizational Excellence, it was found that job-related stress is a serious problem. One-third of working Americans reported chronic work stress. Meanwhile, only thirty six percent said that their company or organization provides the needed resources to help them cope with stress.

For those who seemingly do not have the sufficient stress-managing resources, the America Psychological Association (APA) has provided steps to deal with work-related stress.

 Identify your stressors. Stress is erupted by a particular trigger/s, and the first step to manage it is to know what makes you tick. A good way to do this is to keep a journal for at least two weeks and track which situations trigger the most stress. How do you respond to these situations? This can help you in the future when the same set of situations repeat themselves.

Talk to your boss or supervisor. According to the APA, healthy employees are the most productive. It is imperative that your boss create a pleasant environment that encourages positive wellbeing. Being open to your supervisor and telling her the areas in your work that give you stress as well as your weaknesses can allow her to help you design an effective plan to manage your stressors. Is it a particular task, a certain person at work, your physical workspace? Talking to your supervisor does not mean giving a list of complaints, but simply opening better opportunities for more productivity.

Create a relaxing environment. Although stress is inevitable and your stressors will crop up unannounced, you still hold the power to handle how you respond as well as how you create a relaxing environment for yourself. Simple breathing exercises are easy and can be done anywhere, even at your desk or cubicle. Walking helps clear your mind and pump up your energy, which you can do during breaks or even as you do errands for work. Simple exercises can help melt your stress away.

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