The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the first ever vaccine to prevent serogroup B Meningococcal disease or Meningitis B. Trumenba is geared to prevent the emergence of disease and can be administered to individuals from 10 years old through 25 years of age.
Meningitis is an inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and the spinal cord. It is caused by bacteria that invade the blood and the linings of the brain. It is a fatal illness that is characterized by headache, nuchal rigidity, high fever, mental disorientation and even coma.
In 2012, over 500 cases of meningococcal disease were reported in United States and 160 of these cases were caused by serogroup B. Preventing the disease is crucial because it can cause serious complications. Though, antibiotics can help in treating meningitis, immediate medical treatment is needed.
Up to date, vaccines for meningitis in the United States cover four types: A, C, Y and W. Now, the fifth type is now available for administration. The stir of buzz came when college campuses reported an outbreak of Meningitis B. A student even had his legs amputated because of the disease while one was killed. Overall, 12 individuals have had meningitis during the outbreak.
Experts are meeting up with the personnel of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to discuss on the administration of the vaccine whether to give it during outbreaks or routinely to adolescents and those going to college.
The vaccine was widely tested in the United States and Europe. About 82% developed antibodies against the disease and side effects entailed sore arm, fatigue, chills and diarrhea. It was developed by Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Incorporated.
The development of vaccines is important in health because preventing the disease is better than cure. Prevention is a powerful technique to combat many diseases especially those caused by disease-causing microorganisms.