LIVING HEALTHY Published October30, 2014 By Angela Betsaida Laguipo

Having A Good Night’s Sleep Has Surprising Health Benefits

(Photo : Sleep is beneficial to the health.

Experts say that having an extra hour of sleep can make a lot of difference in terms of its health benefits. They say that having enough sleep is beneficial to the body. It is the key to a healthy lifestyle and can benefit the heart, weight, mood and even sex life.

Getting enough sleep is not a warranty to boost the immune system for disease prevention. However, there are reports that there is a link between not having enough sleep and occurrence of diseases such as heart disease, obesity and diabetes.

Furthermore, sleep helps individuals to improve their memory. When a person is asleep, the brain is practicing the skill he wants to learn. After sleeping, the person can notice that it is easier for him to practice the skill.

Sleep helps to boost one's sex life. Couples tend to have no sex when times when they are too tired. Also, in men who have less sleeping hours, their testosterone levels are low decreasing their libido.  Moreover, having enough sleep can ease and relieve chronic pain.

Having enough sleep can aid in a longer life because studies have shown that having less sleep is associated with a shorter lifespan. In a 2010 study, women ages 50 to 79 who had less than five hours of sleep, more deaths were reported than those getting enough sleeping hours.

Sleep curbs inflammation. People who get enough sleep can help reduce inflammatory proteins in the blood. Hence, diseases caused by inflammation can be reduced like heart diseases, stroke, arthritis and premature aging.

Furthermore, sleep helps in helping the brain focus more. It can lead to more creativity, improvement of grades and even sharpen attention. Children who get enough sleep are noted to be more focused and concentrated in school. Sleep has many health benefits and the normal sleep duration is from 6 hours to 8 hours a day.

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