NUTRITION&FOOD Published November9, 2014 By Staff Reporter

Time Article Shares Some of the Common Mistakes You Make in Creating Your Salad

(Photo : stevepb-pixabay)

Cynthia Sass recently wrote an article for Time that enumerates some of the common mistakes people make in making their salads.

Published on Sunday, November 9, Sass, a self-confessed salad eater and creator of salad bowls for others, provides some tips on what to include in the salad to make it balanced and really healthy.

For example, she noticed that many salad makers add either little or too much protein into the mix. While she stresses that a good salad needs protein since it boosts metabolism and makes the person feel satiated quickly, she also emphasizes your body should have enough of it. To do that, you can consume around 3 ounces of seafood or lean meat. If you like a plant-based protein, especially if you're a vegan, a half-cup of beans or lentils will do.

She also mentions that people are not eating a variety of veggies in their salads. Simply put, they are selective when it comes to what they place in their bowls. She mentioned studies that prove the body benefits better with variety than quantity. To resolve this, aim for a colorful salad.

Sass also wants you to eat fat-but good fats, that is. Fats are responsible for maintaining the good condition of your brain, skin, and hormones. Moreover, as she cited, one study showed that those who don't add fat into their salad hardly absorbs the antioxidants provided by the different veggies.

Aside from a full fat dressing consisting of virgin olive oil, garlic, and herbs, you can also add fat from nuts and avocados. However, if you include the latter, skip the dressing.

She also urges those who wish to eat salad not to skip on starches such as quinoa or corn (though at limited portions) as well as seasoning.

Hopefully, you'll be more inspired to create the best and healthiest salads with her tips.

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