HEADLINES Published November18, 2014 By Staff Reporter

U2’s Bono Explains Sunglasses, Reveals He Is Suffering From Glaucoma For 20 Years

(Photo : flicker.com/creativecommons) He reveals he has glaucoma for over two decades.

Many assumed that wearing dark sunglasses even indoors was just a rock fashion statement. But Bono, the U2 frontman, revealed he is always wearing dark sunglasses to help him cope with glaucoma for the past two decades.  

During a recording of tonight's Graham Norton Show for BBC1, Presenter Norton asked Bono if he ever removes his sunglasses. The singer replied, "This is a good place to explain to people that I've had glaucoma for the last 20 years. I have good treatments and I am going to be fine." He then added, "You're not going to get this out of your head now and you will be saying, 'Ah, poor old blind Bono.'"

Glaucoma is an eye condition that causes damage to the eye's optic nerve. It is caused by the build-up of intraocular pressure. Without treatment, it may lead to permanent vision loss or blindness. It makes the eyes extra sensitive to light and glare, that is why patients with the condition are recommended to use sunglasses to protect their eyes from further damage.

There are many treatments available for this eye condition. People who have a family background of the disease are at higher risk for developing glaucoma. According to Glaucoma Research Foundation, glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness in the United States and the world wherein 10% of people with the condition even with proper treatment, will still experience vision loss. An estimated 2.2 million Americans have glaucoma but only half of those know they have it.

So far, there is still no known cure for glaucoma. Also, vision loss associated with this disease cannot be regained.  Risk factors of glaucoma include people over 60, family members with known glaucoma, diabetics, and people who are severely near-sighted.

The 54-year old singer and his band U2 were on the show to promote their new album, "Songs of Innocence". The album was released commercially this week. 

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