LIFE Published November20, 2014 By Staff Reporter

Garlic Allergies: When Your Body Reacts To It And How To Treat It

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A garlic allergy is an adverse reaction by the body's immune system to garlic or food containing garlic. This type of allergy is rare and serious reactions are very rare. The body's immune system produces immunoglobulin E (IgE - an antibody) and histamine in response to contact with the allergen.

The specific symptoms that can result can vary considerably amongst patients e.g. skin, respiratory and behavioral symptoms. Many households never scratch out garlic from their grocery list, as it is known to be one of the tastiest flavorings to many dishes. Health savvy individuals also include garlic on their daily diet to get the most out of its health benefits. Then again, there are a number of people that need to avoid garlic because of the allergic reactions they experience.

Garlic Allergy Symptoms

Food allergies may be common, but the majority of those with garlic allergies are not aware of their condition. Some of the common allergies are-

Diarrhea or constipation


Stomach Cramps




Itching of the skin

Swelling of the mouth and face coupled with redness


Runny nose

Other dangerous symptoms are-

Gastric Symptoms

A garlic allergy can affect the stomach and intestines, causing inflammation. This inflammation can cause stomach upset, heartburn, diarrhea, stomach bloating and gas.

Nasal Symptoms

Garlic allergies can also cause a stuffy or runny nose. If you experience a stuffy or runny nose within minutes of ingesting garlic, you might be allergic to it.

Skin Symptoms

Some people's garlic allergies manifest in the form of redness, itching or rash. This may occur as the result of touching garlic or ingesting garlic.

Respiratory Symptoms

Coughing, chest tightness and wheezing may also be symptoms of a garlic allergy. These symptoms are more common in people who have asthma or a related illness. Respiratory symptoms are usually the result of inhaling the dry garlic dust when preparing garlic for cooking.


Allergic reactions to garlic happen whenever the immune system mistakes the protein content of the garlic as a harmful substance, which later results to the release of histamine. People with allergy to onions can possibly have garlic allergy.

Individuals who suspect that they have allergy can test themselves by avoiding the consumption of garlic for one to two weeks and observe whether or not the signs have subsided.

A visit to the doctor, on the other hand, involves allergy test usually performed through skin prick test. Garlic extract is placed on the skin, and the physician will observe how you will react to it. On severe cases, doctors may also perform blood tests.


Avoid contact with the allergen, adrenaline injection if anaphylactic reaction occurs, antihistamines, bronchodilators for asthmatic symptoms. Taking anti-histamines may probably the most common treatment of garlic allergy symptoms. When over the counter drugs fall short in providing relief, however, doctors may prescribe steroids and self-injectable epinephrine that can be both effective in preventing anaphylactic shock.

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