HEADLINES Published September9, 2014 By Staff Reporter

Mental Illness Needs More Priority Says England Chief Medical Officer

(Photo : Mental Illness (Flickr))

Dame Sally Davies, England's chief medical officer, says that mental illnesses has been taking a toll in the country. For this, she says that mental health among its constituents should be given more priority.

Mental illness has been taking a toll in England's economy as more and more people get laid off of jobs and as even more cuts working days due to related health issues.

In her annual report Davies' says that mental illnesses slashed off around 70 million working days all over England. This shows an increase of about 24% against the productivity of the working force in the country since 2009.

When translated into monetary value, this loss of 70 million hours cost the economy somewhere between £70 to £100 Billion in lost productivity, benefit payments and work absence, says Davies.

To alleviate the issue in productivity that hurts the economy bad, she recommends employers to become lenient enough to encourage productivity among their subordinates who show signs of mental illnesses. She says that allowing these people to work flexible hours so they can clock in at work when they are in their day's prime is one thing to do.

Being productive at one's job is one way to increase a person's esteem, especially amidst a mental health issue, instead of allowing them "breathing time" and laying them off.

Workplaces should also be keen on giving their employees access to resources that provide support during their turmoil.

The NHS has been urged by Davies to mend their services in terms of waiting times and funding in order for support in terms of counseling and medication to those who are in deep need of professional attention.This is especially that she and her team found out from the most recent statistics they have gathered that 1 out of 3 individuals in England is suffering a mental illness or is showing a symptom that is linked to such illnesses.

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