NUTRITION&FOOD Published September9, 2014 By Staff Reporter

Fruits Cut Down Cardiovascular Risks up to 40%

(Photo : Misc Fruit (Wikipedia))

A new study suggests that people who consume fruits regularly cut down their risk for heart disease by a whooping 25-40%.

The study involved the participation of 451,682 Chinese adults who do not have any history of cardiovascular diseases nor did receive any medication for hypertension. Over the course of 7 years, their fruit consumption was monitored through reports. They reported whether they ate fruits daily, 1-3 days, 4-6 days per week, monthly or not at all.

The participants were made to report their consumption in computerized questionnaires. The data of their fruit consumption were accompanied by a monitoring of their blood pressure (systolic and diastolic figures). The participants body mass indexes were also recorded.

After the course of the survey, the researchers analyzed the reported data and found out that those who consume the most number of fruits had lower risks for cardiovascular diseases from 25 to 40%. Furthermore, the study shows that those who have themselves a healthy serving of fruits regularly and often have lower blood pressure than those who sparingly eat fruits and those who don't.

Blood pressure is a primary factor in the development of any cardiovascular disease. Pertaining to this, what the study suggests is that a regular intake of fruits, especially when accompanied by vegetables, will keep one's blood pressure at safe ranges. This, in the long run keeps cardiovascular diseases and its complications, which include stroke, at bay.

14 years ago, another profound study on the link between the consumption of a fruit and vegetables and the prevention of cardiovascular diseases has been published.

This study involved 110,000 men and women whose consumption of fruits and vegetables were monitored along with their blood pressure figures. The findings of this study strengthen the claim that fruits and vegetables, indeed, do one's cardiovascular system a lot of good.

The said study suggested that citrus fruits, especially offer loads of health benefits to one's heart and blood.

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