Fresh rumors and predictions continue to circulate around the Web about the much-anticipated sequel to the hit Disney animated film, "Frozen 2," including reports that a new villain will trouble Elsa, which eventually lead Anna to discover her own powers.
According to The Bitbag, the new villain that will come to Arendella is a female, whose powers apparently reveal to be Queen Elsa's weakness. The reports said that this new villain's power is fire, as ice is weak to fire.
Elsa being powerless against the new villain, accordingly, will make Anna discover her own powers and who will eventually stand up for her sister Elsa and fight off the new villain.
Christian Post, on the other hand, suggested that for "Frozen 2," Anna could be the new villain herself and that she could be using her powers against her sister Elsa. The report, therefore, said that Anna will develop a power opposite Elsa and that it may cost Elsa her life.
Meanwhile, aside from "Frozen 2," fans are also anticipating the upcoming Broadway Musical of "Frozen." According to iDigitalTimes, the "Frozen" musical on Broadway include new songs and new plot lines, which may hint at what are to come for "Frozen 2."
iDigitalTimes highlighted that "Let it Go" and a few songs from the "Frozen" film are not enough to make a hit Broadway musical. Hence, there has to be new songs. Even hit musicals like "Hamilton" and "Book of Mormon" have 46 and 22 songs in its musical, respectively, the report noted.
Accordingly, Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez, who worked on the music the "Frozen" movie are the same people who will compose the scoring and songs for "Frozen" Broadway.
Jennifer Lee, "Frozen" film co-director, is also jumping in to write the Broadway musical. According to iDigitalTimes, Lee is simultaneously writing the musical and "Frozen 2."
Both the "Frozen" musical and "Frozen 2" are expected to come in 2018.