TRENDING Published February14, 2016 By Zuellen Reynoso

Up To 90% Off On PS4 Games This Valentine’s Day! ‘Battlefield 4’, ‘Diablo III’ In Flash Sale!

(Photo : Screencap, Official PlayStation Blog)

PlayStation has revealed so many titles for the upcoming Valentine's Day flash sales and there's so many PS4 games to choose from!

For gamers who are taking advantage of the recent festivities as an opportunity to immerse themselves in their favorite PS4 games, PlayStation is making sure Valentine's Day will bring happiness to the coupled or otherwise. The flash sale for PS4 games have been announced, and this includes a wide variety of titles that were once too pricey.

PlayStation officially announced the flash sale this Valentine's Day that revealed an 80% slash off the prices for the fan favorite games for PS4. "Valentine's Day is right around the corner, and we're celebrating the most romantic day of the year the best way we know how... with steep discounts on sweet, sweet video games," revealed the announcement. 

"Starting right now, save up to 80 percent on titles best-enjoyed together - whether co-op, competitive, or multiplayer," added the report.

The lineup for the flash sale includes games for PS4 and PS3. The flash sale has begun, and will expire a day after Valentine's Day, according to PlayStation. The list includes "Battlefield 4" (also for the premium edition and service for PS4), "Blazerush," "Blue Estate - The Game," "Boggle," "Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons," "Capsule Force," "Castlestorm Definitive Edition,"  "Defense Grid 2," "Diablo III" and "Divinity Original Sin."

The long list of games included in the flash sale for Valentine's Day also includes "Far Cry 4," "Fluster Cluck," "Gauntlet: Slayer Edition," "Injustice," "Lego Jurrasic World," "Rugby World Cup 2015," "Sniper Elite 3," "Trine 2" and "Yorbie."

Apart from PS4 flash sales this Valentine's Day 2016, PS3 games are also included and the full list may be found here.

Cinemablend pointed out that the long list of games on flash sale for Valentine's Day, with even some games up to 90% off. "There are a variety of games available at discounted prices, with some games being discounted at up to 90% off the normal digital price point," it said. "The sale only lasts up until February 15th, so it's best to get in on it while it's up and available," added the report.

Indeed this flash sale is a happy Valentine's Day treat for PS4 gamers worldwide! 

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