TRENDING Published February6, 2017 By Staff Reporter

(VIDEO) Lady Gaga Super Bowl 2017 Half Time Show Performance: Was it the Best Performance Ever?

Lady Gaga jumps off the roof of the stadium, reciting an oath for the American flag.

Lady Gaga, who started playing the poker face with his hit song "Lady GaGa", showed his enthusiastic performances during the performances that lasted for a couple of minutes.

Lady, who was evaluated to have performed a series of past performances with wire action and brilliant dance, was just as outrageous as it appeared.

"The 51st Super Bowl !!!"

It was also anticipated that Lady Gaga, who is often known for her close-to-the-action behavior and unreliable remarks, would comment on President Trump.

However, she conveyed a message to emphasize the vow to the flag and harmony such as God Bless America.

Meanwhile, former President George W. Bush, who was discharged from hospital after suffering from poor health a few days ago, threw a coin to determine the pre-game pre-match and was applauded by spectators and viewers.

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