LIVING HEALTHY Published October1, 2014 By Scott M.

Can a "Fat Tongue" Be a Main Reason for Sleep Apnea?

(Photo : Wiki Commons) Studies are beginning to show that as a possibility

Sleep apnea is a potential health risk for millions of Americans, and a new study, as reported by WebMD, says a possible culprit behind the disorder is called "fat" tongue.

According to WebMD, sleep apnea is a common disorder in which the airways constrict during sleep, leading to repeated stops and starts in breathing. The telltale signs include chronic loud snoring, with periodic gasps or choking -- and, for many people, daytime drowsiness because of poor sleep.

Obese people tend to be at higher risk for sleep apnea, says the report.

The study included 90 obese adults with sleep apnea and 90 obese adults without the disorder.

The participants with sleep apnea had significantly larger tongues, tongue fat and percentage of tongue fat than those without sleep apnea, the researchers found. 

"Tongue size is one of the physical features that should be evaluated by a physician when screening obese patients to determine their risk forobstructive sleep apnea," American Academy of Sleep Medicine President Dr. Timothy Morgenthaler added in the news release. reported WebMd.

"Effective identification and treatment of sleep apnea is essential to optimally manage other conditions associated with this chronic disease, including high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke and depression," he said.

Nearly 35 percent of U.S. adults -- 78.6 million people -- are obese, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, reported WebMd.

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