HEADLINES Published January11, 2015 By Staff Reporter

Study Says Taking Away Mobile Phones Can Lead To Poor Concentration, Increased Blood Pressure and Boosts Heart Rate

(Photo : Feng Li / Getty Images News) Mobile Phones are part of our daily lives and sometimes, people can't afford a day without their beloved phones.

A team of scientists have found that moving away from phones resulted in many health conditions including poor cognitive performance, increased heart rate and increased blood pressure. Mobile phone addiction has been one of the predicaments the society is facing today. Apparently, taking these away from individuals resulted in unpleasant feelings. 

A test was conducted on iPhone users and this major study was able to discover what happens when people are separated from their mobile phones. The participants were found to perform poorly on series of mental tests and were anxious during the examination.

On the medical note, it led to an increase in the person's heart rate and blood pressure level. Aside from that, they felt anxiety and unpleasantness.

Russel Clayton, lead author of the study and doctoral candidate at the University of Missouri School of Journalism, said that their findings emanate from the negative impact of being away from mobile phones to concentration and cognitive performance of subjects. They performed poorly on their mental tasks.

Specifically, the researchers say that these findings suggest that iPhones have become a sort of extension of oneself. Thus, when these phones are taken away, it results in an experience of loss that leads to an altered physiological and psychological state.

The researchers also found out that when the participants failed to answer their mobile phones when they're ringing had a noted increase in heart rate and blood pressure. They therefore suggest that when people need to do something that needs a lot of concentration like taking tests or attending meetings, they should avoid being away from their mobile phones.

When the participants completed a word search puzzle with and without their iPhones, it revealed that the score were better when they have their mobile phones with them. During the test, cardiac monitors and a blood pressure cuff were attached to the participants to properly gauge their vital signs.

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