TRENDING Published April13, 2015 By jakewriter

10% Rise In African American Homeschooling A Sign Of Racial Protectionism; America Is ‘Still Segregated,’ Parents Removing Kids from ‘Euro-Centric’ Schools

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Home-Schooling Offers Basic Curriculum
(Photo : Chris Hondros Hulton Archive/Getty Images) Home-Schooling Offers Basic Curriculum
By:Chris Hondros
Hulton Archive

Although homeschooling caught in the U.S. as a practice for some Americans, studies are revealing an alarming increase in African-Americans kids undergoing homeschooling.

African-American kids comprise of about 10 percent of all home-schooled children. While this form of education is catching on quickly in America, the reasons for African-Americans opting for homeschooling stems from racism, reported.

Dan Cox, director of research at the Public Religion Research Institute, said in a report by VICE News, "America remains fairly segregated by race... Americans are actively engaged in a type of self-segregation."

Meanwhile, Ama Mazama, Associate Professor and Graduate Director at Temple University, said in an online report, "My research found strong evidence to suggest that racism is far from being a thing of the past."

"I found covert institutional racism and individual racism still persist and are largely responsible for the persistence of profound racial disparities and inequalities in many social realms. Schools, of course, are no exception, which helps one understand why racism is such a powerful drive for black homeschoolers," she added.

There is widespread belief in America that schools in the country teach a worldview that exclusively puts an emphasis on European civilization, which later pervaded the New World colonies such as America. And the current view of a more diverse and more brown society in the U.S. does not lend itself to a wholesale Eurocentric orientation of school curricula, according to Professor Mazama.

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