TRENDING Published April17, 2015 By Zuellen Reynoso

Guillermo Del Toro Talks ‘Pacific Rim 2’ Details: Says Characters Of Charlie Day and Burn Gorman To Return Plus New Cast Members Come 2017 Release Date

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"Pacific Rim 2"
(Photo : Eamonn M. McCormack, Frederick M. Brown, Jason Merritt | Getty Images Entertainment)

Cast members are returning and new characters are arriving in "Pacific Rim 2" movie!

Latest updates on the highly anticipated sequel "Pacific Rim 2" reveal more than the plot, but also characters returning as well as new ones arriving! Guillermo del Toro talks the return of Charlie Day and Burn Gorman come the film's April release date!

While Charlie Hunnam as Raleigh Becket in "Pacific Rim" could be everyone's favorite rock star, the characters portrayed by Charlie Day and Burn Gorman would be, in this scenario, the music writers or composers. Director Guillermo del Toro shares with Collider the importance of science, as does the brawn and (monster) brawl in "Pacific Rim 2" movie.

"I think that two of our main characters like in the first one are Burn and Charlie," del Toro explained. "They are really, really - I mean, honestly, they are probably the guys I have the most fun writing along with Hannibal Chau so just from a purely selfish drive, I like writing them.  I love writing for Charlie and Burn.  I mean, [Burn's] in 'Crimson Peak' for that reason, because I love working with him.  You're gonna get a lot of that, but the Kaijus are very different and you're gonna see a very different type of the robots I think.  It's gonna be quite a different adventure."

In the first "Pacific Rim" film, Charlie Day portrayed the character Dr. Newton Geiszler who is the science behind the machines. Burn Gorman, on the other hand, plays Dr. Hermann Gottlieb, Dr. Geiszler's sidekick scientist, who's pretty much the opposite of Geiszler in terms of arrogance and character.

Guillermo del Toro also talks new characters arriving come "Pacific Rim 2" release date. Talking to the same group he said, "I'm hoping to bring the same idea I had in the first movie, that was to make it multicultural and humanistic as much as possible, to make characters from many nationalities or gender, to make them equal in the scope of the adventure, in the day-to-day of the adventure. So, we're bringing a few characters that are new and hopefully doing good work managing those that survived the first movie."

"Pacific Rim 2" release date is set on April 7, 2015. 

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