TRENDING Published May20, 2015 By Marijim Dy

‘Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate’ News: Director Kaname Fujioka Talked About Game’s Drop Rates; Hunting Horn And Bowgun Players’ Least Favorite Weapons?

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Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
(Photo : Courtesy/

"Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate" director Kaname Fujioka talked about the game's drop rates, armor sets and weapons.

In an interview with Siliconera, Fujioka was asked about how the drop rates for "MH4U" felt more generous in the West than the Japanese release and previous games.

"We did not make any adjustments related to item drops such as drop rates from 'MH4G' (Japanese sku) to 'MH4U' (Western sku)," Fujioka answered.

"However every time we develop a new title, we usually implement various changes and additions to the previous title's game mechanics such as reward systems and armors... Based on the changes and additions that we have made, we also did adjust drop rate for items."

Ryozo Tsujinomoto, executive producer for the game, was also asked about how the armor set designed by Tetsuya Nomura came about. Tsujinomoto explained that a dinner with Mr. Hashimoto from Square Enix ended up in a plan to collaborate with Mr. Nomura. He also said that he was looking forward to the collaboration.

"[Nomura's] design is very unique and distinguished from Monster Hunter's designs, in a good way," Fujioka added.

"His armor's base color was black so we've added kind of a metal texture to create a gleaming black which enhances its dark nuance. His weapon design had a face motif and was coquettish so we've enhanced the SFX with a mysterious voice sound."

Kaname Fujioka confirmed that rapidfire ability goes well with Pierce and elemental shots, since it will provide players with an option to choose a variety of Bowguns. Rapidfire ability affects recoil as well as cost and firepower.

He also revealed that players tend to choose weapons which have more powerful offense. There are few players who opt for the Hunting Horn or Bowgun, which requires damage and shot management.

The developers added a "Flourish" attack for Hunting Horn and enables players to attack opponents while providing support to their teammates. Bowgun has been upgraded to be able to load shots via the evading action.

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