NUTRITION&FOOD Published September2, 2014 By Staff Reporter

In NYC, “Trans-Fat Free” May Not Be So Trans-Fat Free After All

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Trans Fat
(Photo : Sandra Cohen-Rose and Colin Rose (flickr under license

NEW YORK- The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene revealed that not all products that label themselves "trans-fat free" are indeed so.

A study conducted by the department showed that nine percent of 4, 340 packaged food products contained trans-fats. Of these products included in this nine percent, eighty four percent claimed to have no trans-fats. According to Jennifer Clapp of the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, this finding is a cause for concern among consumers, who may be deceived by this faulty labeling.

The department defines trans fat as "a type of fat that raises the risk of heart disease". Artificial trans-fats, which the department hopes to help reduce among NYC consumers, are largely found in packaged foods as well as in hydrogenated vegetable oil. In line with this, trans fat has been listed as "bad" by the department, going as far as labeling it as "the most dangerous type of dietary fat" that increases bad cholesterol (LDL) levels and decreases good cholesterol (HDL). It has also been estimated that each year, trans fats cause an estimate of 500 deaths due to heart disease in New York City alone.

Due to this, the city's Department of Health and Mental Hygiene has strict regulations regarding the use, storage, and serving of any food item containing trans fats. Anything with partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, margarine, or shortening must contain trans fats not exceeding 0.5 grams per serving. The department added that any establishment that fries food, bakes or serves baked items, uses a griddle, buys prepared food from vendors, use mixes, and serves margarine or butter, must be well-informed and aware of the products they use and processes they employ. A step-by-step guide is provided by the department and is made available to anyone who visits their official website. 

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