TRENDING Published July20, 2015 By Zuellen Reynoso

‘No Coming Back For Rollo’ In ‘Vikings’ Season 4; Bjorn To Lead The Raid? [SPOILERS]

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"Vikings" Season 4 bjorn
(Photo : Screen cap, Official “Vikings” History site)

"Vikings" season 4 will return in 2016! Spoilers reveal that Ragnar's son, Bjorn, will lead the raid to Paris while Floki will be punished for the death of Athelstan. Rollo again on the opposing side of his brother?

Reports mentioned that in season 4 of "Vikings," a big wedding will happen between Rollo and Gisla, the princess of Paris. Their marriage is an act of betrayal to the kingdom of Kattegat, and according to Zap2it, Alexander Ludwig who portrays Bjorn in the series, said that "The fact is he [Rollo] turned his back on [Bjorn] and our entire community for himself and there's no coming back from that." However, the site also revealed that there is a possibility for a peaceful negotiation between the two.

"Vikings" season 4 spoilers also point towards Bjorn leading the army of Kattegat to raid Paris, as king Ragnar recovers from his severe injury. On the other hand, the army of Paris will be led by Rollo, who is portrayed by Clive Standen. It was also revealed that among the spoilers of "Vikings" season 4, Floki the best friend of Ragnar, will be punished for the death of Athelstan. And now, Floki has lost the trust of Ragnar.

While waiting for season 4 of "Vikings," here is a recap of the events of the previous season.

Bjorn, the first son of King Ragnar, has been dreaming of joining his father in a raid ever since he was a kid. However, Bjorn, along with his mother (spoiler alert!) Lagertha decided to leave the kingdom of Kattegat upon their knowledge of Ragnar sleeping with another woman. But after a few years, the mother and son decided to return to Kattegat to help king Ragnar in accomplishing the raid.

In the case of Rollo, he used to have a great relationship with both King Ragnar and Bjorn. In fact Bjorn never hated his uncle. And despite Rollo's betrayal, Ragnar gave him the chance to redeem himself to the whole kingdom. Would the Kingdom of Kattegat forgive Rollo? What will happen to Bjorn and Rollo come "Vikings" season 4?

"Vikings" will return in early 2016. In the mean time, you can watch the trailer for season 4 here!

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