TRENDING Published December16, 2015 By Zuellen Reynoso

Guns N Roses New Album 'Changed' But Coming In 2016; Slash, Axl CONFIRM Reunion Tour Plans?

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Guns N Roses, reunion, new album, tour
(Photo : Ethan Miller | Getty Images Entertainment)

Reconciliation does wondrous things especially for Guns N Roses fans who are not only anticipating a new album and tour next year, but a possible reunion.

After Slash and Axl Rose have finally put their differences aside, it seems that all that Guns N Roses fans could think about is the possibility of having the original members back together for a reunion tour. A report by Blabbermouth revealed the boundless possibilities including Guns N Roses slash and Axl Rose coming together and reuniting for a tour of some sort.

"Slash and Axl have verbally agreed to get things together again and reform the original band. The live shows is where they can show the world what they had and also make the greatest earnings," revealed an insider.

"Promoters are quietly working away to land opportunities. Details of the reunion are expected to leak out in the next few days. Everyone is expecting huge demand for tickets, but the boys are very humble and are not sure what to expect," the report added.

While Guns N Roses hasn't officially announced the reunion tour, previous reports have already revealed that next year would be a great year for the band. According to ConsequenceOfSound, "In an interview with a St. Louis radio station last week, GNR's current guitarist Richard Fortus declared that 2016 will be 'a big year' for the band," revealed the report.

"He stopped short of providing any specifics - however, when pressed whether or not he is the only guitarist in the band at the moment, he insinuated that not to be the case," it added.

Meanwhile, Guns N Roses new album remains in the works, but with a bit of changes. A report by AlternativeNation revealed Slash sharing details of the new album. He said, "Plans for 2016 changed a little bit.... Hellwithin filming early 2016, then new Conspirators record in the spring then No Conspirators tour cause Myles has to go back to AB until the end of 2016."

Although there's no specific details on the new album yet, Guns N Roses fans are already elated with the reunion tour possibilities. Next to find out is when all these wondrous things are happening. 

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