TRENDING Published January16, 2016 By Marijim Dy

‘The Tonight Show’ Host Jimmy Fallon ‘Doesn’t Have A Drinking Problem,’ Says NBC Boss

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Jimmy Fallon at the 66th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards.
(Photo : Kevin Winter | Getty Images Entertainment)

NBC Entertainment chairman Bob Greenblatt debunked rumors that "The Tonight Show" host, Jimmy Fallon, has a drinking problem.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Greenblatt defended Jimmy Fallon during the Television Critics Association's semi-annual press tour last Wednesday. The NBC boss also discussed the network's success, Donald Trump and Ricky Gervais, among others.

"I know other networks have been up here this week and have said they had great fall seasons as well, but let me give you some details about what I mean when I use the word 'great,'" he said.

The publication noted that NBC was the only broadcast network that didn't experience a decline in viewership or ratings points for the first half of the season. "When you factor out sports, we're also No. 1 with entertainment programs only, and that hasn't happened since 2003, when we had the final season of 'Friends,'" Greenblatt explained.

It was also announced that Seth Meyer's "Late Night Show" will be renewed by the network. Greenblatt was asked whether the deal was done as an "insurance policy" given "The Tonight Show" host's accidents.

"Jimmy is going to be fine for many years to come," he clarified. "I often say Jimmy is going to be there longer than me and longer than many of you in your jobs."

"He doesn't have a drinking problem that any of us know about. He goes out and has fun and he's had some accidents. We are always worried about his safety and health and yeah, there's been conversations [sic] about that, [but] the stories are exaggerated about all of it."

Entertainment Weekly reported that Jimmy Fallon's off-camera mishaps have been feasted on by tabloids. Some of his accidents include a finger and hand injury as well as a chipped tooth.
One of "The Tonight Show" host's unforgettable misadventures was the bar brawl in New York last 2014.

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