"Digimon Adventure Tri" continues the movie series featuring the adventures of our heroes facing another challenge years after their battle. The 2nd movie is titled "Determination" and should pick up after the events of the first movie.
Fandom Post provided key details of the upcoming movie including the plot, "Kuwagamon suddenly appears in Odaiba. Its rampage leaves the town in ruins, and the people there in turmoil. Taichi happens to catch sight of the Kuwagamon, and he chases after it all by himself in an effort to halt its rampage. But there's nothing he can do against a Kuwagamon."
The plot gives out very important clues on what would possibly happen in the movie. Of course, Kuwagamon will not just go away as battles will be definitely fought among mega forms. Rosemon, Vikemon and other mega forms would have their hands full in this movie as they face some of the biggest and vicious digimons ever.
Aside from the upcoming epic battles for the second movie, another character could possible show up in the film. Den of Geek speculated that the mysterious character would actually be the Digimon Emperor. However, the mysterious character is only shown in shadows. Imperialdramon also makes an appearance in the upcoming film.
Ogremon and Leomon are also featured in the trailer. These characters also appeared in the first film and without spoiling anything; they will be featured significantly in the second film just like in the first iteration.
The second movie of "Digimon Adventure Tri" will hit Japanese theaters March 12 and the trailer also revealed that the movie will be immediately in DVD and Blu-ray on April 2. Crunchyroll is currently streaming the first movie.
But instead of streaming the entire film, the streaming site is offering the first movie in parts just like the anime series.
Watch the trailer of the 2nd film here: