TRENDING Published February15, 2016 By Marijim Dy

‘Dragon Ball Super’ Episode 31 Spoilers: Meet Lord Zuno; Last Super Dragon Ball Found?

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Dragon Ball Super
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"Dragon Ball Super" episode 31 showed new content featuring Jaco and Bulma.

Attack of the Fanboy reported that "Dragon Ball Super" episode 31 focused heavily on Jaco and Bulma. It opened with the space patrolman making his way to Earth since he was contacted by Tights.

When he arrived, Jaco told Bulma about Lord Zuno. He resides at the center of the Universe and is said to be an expert on everything. They decide to travel to space to find Lord Zuno.

It was revealed in "Dragon Ball Super" episode 31 that Bulma used to play around Jaco's spaceship before. It also showed viewers that the space patrolman was the one who taught Bulma to fly spaceships.

According to Movie Pilot, the little girl shown in the trailer was actually Bulma and not her daughter, Bra.

The pair landed on Zuno's planet but was told that they couldn't meet the lord without making an appointment. Moreover, Lord Zuno's available time would be in the next seven years.

Suddenly, a criminal appeared in "Dragon Ball Super" episode 31. Gepuman, a frog-like being, threatened to shoot one of the servants in the head since he doesn't want to be captured.

Jaco pulverized the criminal with ease. Anyway, because of this, they were allowed to talk to Lord Zuno immediately.

The pair each gives the ruler a kiss on the cheek. This gave Jaco one chance to ask Lord Zuno but Bulma was offered three questions.

"The Super Dragon Balls were created by the Dragon God, Zarama, in Year 41 of the Divine Calendar," Lord Zuno said. "A refraction technique was made for the balls to appear as stars from any direction because they are the size of planets."

Sadly, Lord Zuno did not talk about the location of the seventh ball in "Dragon Ball Super" episode 31. Jaco and Bulma went back to Earth where they told Vegeta and Goku what they learned.

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