A new study revealed that men with short index fingers and long ring fingers are on average more kind to women. This theory has been traced to their fetal life and hormones they were exposed to in their mother's womb when they were just fetuses. Furthermore, this theory explains why these men have more children.
Women should take a look at your man's fingers before tying the knot as a new research by experts from McGill University has shown a link between a biological phenomenon in fetal life and behavior when they become adults. The study was published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences.
On average, men's index fingers are shorter than their ring fingers. In women, however, the difference is not that pronounced. Studies in the past have found the ratio of the digits which can indicate the amount of male hormones present in the body. Hence, it has an impact on the way men deal with women.
According to a report by Science Daily, Simon Young, a McGill Emeritus Professor in Psychiatry and an author of the study said, "It is fascinating to see that moderate variations of hormones before birth can actually influence adult behaviour in a selective way."
Lead author and Professor of Psychology at McGill, Debbie Moskowitz, said, "When with women, men with smaller ratios were more likely to listen attentively, smile and laugh, compromise or compliment the other person. They acted that way in sexual relationships, but also with female friends or colleagues. These men were also less quarrelsome with women than with men, whereas the men with larger ratios were equally quarrelsome with both."
However, this theory is not applicable to women because the ratio of their digits shows no impact on their attitude. To come up with their findings, the researchers recruited 155 participants who filled up forms for all social interaction lasting from 5 minutes and more. They were required to check which type of behavior the subjects manifested.
The researchers were able to classify and group the responses on whether they are agreeable or quarrelsome. Thus, they discovered that men with large digit ratios were more aggressive and quarrelsome compared to men with small digit ratio. In simpler terms, men with smaller digit ratio were nicer to women and other people.
In fact, a study in the past has found that men with smaller digit ratios had more children. According to Moskowitz, "Our research suggests they have more harmonious relationships with women; these behaviors support the formation and maintenance of relationships with women. This might explain why they have more children on average."