TRENDING Published April3, 2015 By Jimmy Arid

‘Paper Towns’ Author John Green Reveals Book’s Inspiration; Explains Meaning Behind Title!

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John Green
(Photo : Rick Diamond | Getty Images Entertainment)

Based on John Green's 2008 book of the same name, "Paper Towns" is expected to be shown on theaters worldwide this Jul. 24, 2015.

In the Youtube channel that he and his brother, Hank, the author posted a video revealing why he named the book as such.

"In the book, it means different things to Q, the narrator, at different points of the story. But in real life, as you know, the phrase 'paper towns' is about copyright... Mapmakers create fictitious entries in their map to make sure that no one else is copying them," John Green stated.

"It's usually not paper towns. It's usually, like, paper streets or paper bridges," he added.

John Green confessed that he was just "totally fascinated by how much fictional information is floating around in the nonfictional world." He said that it appealed to him because he needed to believe that made-up stories can matter in the everyday lives of real people.

The trailer for the film, which was released recently, depicted Margo sneaking in Q's room and dragging him to a night of prank-pulling and mischief. In an interview with Yahoo! Green also admitted that some of Margo's tricks were inspired by his own real-life troublemaking experiences when he was a teenager.

"The catfish thing, leaving a fish inside of someone's clothing - I have done that. It was a full-sized catfish. I also did it once with a lobster," the author confessed.

The idea for "Paper Towns" came when Green was driving through South Dakota on a trip with his girlfriend at the time. On the map was a town but when they drove past it, there were only fields there. The couple asked a woman who explained to them that the town was not real.

"I wanted to write about how dangerous and destructive it can be to see other people as more than human, and to imagine them as these kind of all-powerful gods and goddesses," Green revealed.

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