HEADLINES Published September20, 2024 By David Thompson

Robb Zavoso: Online Health Consultant Changing How CEOs Approach Fitness

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Robb Zavoso
(Photo : Robb Zavoso)

Robb Zavoso is an Online Health and Fitness Consultant who works with busy CEOs and business owners to achieve their health goals. After eight years of research, he doesn't adhere to traditional health and fitness dogmas. Instead, he believes that he has developed an approach that can improve the overall health of his clients while also helping them be effective with their energy output and time.

As a business owner, he understands the complexity of running a company while also trying to meet fitness goals. Schedules are often tight, and time can't be wasted. Zavoso's approach aims to maximize results with the time his clients invest in their wellness journey so they can simultaneously run their businesses and achieve their health and fitness goals.

Zavoso developed his health and fitness technique after his wellness journey, which went awry. His goal was to optimize his health, but after years of experimenting with various diets and lifestyles, he says he hit "rock bottom." The mishmash approach to wellness had inadvertently destroyed his health. He was suffering from fatigue, joint pain, and inflammation. To make matters worse, he developed autoimmune conditions, and his gut health and hormone balance were struggling.

"It got to the point where doctors couldn't even help me solve my problems," Zavoso says.

Determined to get his health back, Zavoso began his quest to discover the true keys to health. His research into the health and fitness space led him to the conclusion that there was an "enormous amount of misinformation." Zavoso's research and experimentation convinced him to adopt an ancestral-influenced lifestyle.

"This way of eating approaches our nutrition from the perspective of our ancestors being hunter-gatherers," he explains.

The ancestral-influenced diet promotes the consumption of high-quality animal protein and fats along with organic, low-toxic vegetables and fruits.

Within six months, Zavoso claims he was able to reverse all his dire health conditions. Not only had he recovered, but he also had more energy, mental sharpness, and increased productivity overall. To him, a business owner "dealing with a lot of stress and long hours," this development in his health journey was life-changing.

Robb Zavoso

Zavoso was influenced by his dietary success to explore the fitness world. His goal was to build a great physique, but after many months of weightlifting six days a week, he hit a major plateau. Also, he realized this approach just wasn't sustainable over time. He reevaluated his approach and, with some more research, settled on developing a "warrior physique."

By not pursuing a traditional bodybuilder's look, he felt he was more effective with his time and energy and saw real gains. He now lifts weights three days a week and sees more progress than he did with his former program. Another change to his fitness journey was embracing a daily walk.

"Our ancestors walked about 17,000 steps per day. Today we are walking nowhere near that. Getting between 8,000–12,000 steps daily is the sweet spot, and makes getting lean effortless," Zavoso explains.

Now, Zavoso helps CEOs and business owners based on the changes he implemented in his own fitness journey.

"I am eternally grateful for my experiences and accumulating this knowledge, and now it is my mission to serve the world and help other CEOs and Business Owners seeking to optimize their health and fitness, increase their energy and vitality, improve their mental sharpness, and get in head-turning shape, despite working 10+ hour days," Zavoso says.

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