Respawn Entertainment has confirmed that "Titanfall 2" is in development and will be ready for release on multiple platforms. The game will be available for the following consoles: Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.
"So we're working on a sequel. No official name yet, but we're working on that. That's the main focus but we're starting up a second team and doing some smaller stuff too. Small, exploratory, taking it slow! It'll be multiplatform," Vince Zampella, founder and CEO of Respawn, told IGN.
The game's developers promised that "Titanfall 2" will definitely excite fans. Abbie Hepe, Respawn Entertainment's community manager, spoke about the game in an interview with The EXL Podcast.
"The really nice thing about working on a sequel is we have established the core of what Titanfall is. We have assets, we have an engine, we have all of these things that we laid the foundation for in the first game that now we can really build off of in the second," Hepe revealed.
"So I think there's going to be a lot of stuff that people are going to be excited about. And that's all I can say."
More variety in weapons and a traditional campaign mode could possibly be featured in the second "Titanfall" title since Hepe confirmed that they have heard the feedback from fans. There are a lot of players who prefer a campaign experience rather than multiplayer battles and a traditional campaign mode would satisfy those players as well as add a fun single-player dynamic.
Ultimately, though, it is up to Respawn Entertainment to cater to the diverse needs of its fanbase. Although the first "Titanfall" failed to achieve the victory that Respawn has expected, it showed their creativity in giving gamers something new and exciting.
"Titanfall 2" will reportedly be released next year, on Feb. 2016.