Another ice cream maker who's selling their different products across many states has voluntary issued a recall and closed their shops because of listeria.
Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream, which is based in Columbus, Ohio, has decided to recall their variety of products such as yogurts, ice cream sandwiches, sorbets, and standard ice creams due to bacteria called Listeria even if they haven't received any formal complaint yet. The bacteria were discovered by Nebraska's Department of Agriculture from random samples of their products.
As a method of precaution, they are pulling out all their stocks in stores such as Homegrown Food Store and Mama Jean's Natural Market, as well as closing their scoop shops found in Illinois, Tennessee, and Ohio, to name a few, indefinitely or until they are 100 percent confident that their products are already safe. In a statement they issued on Thursday, April 23, they also mentioned they have already called on experts to help them trace the source and figure out a way to resolve the problem.
To those who have already bought their products, including those that bear the Jeni's name, they can discard them or return them to where they were bought to receive a refund. The management is also encouraging their customers to seek medical treatment or doctor's appointment to ensure they don't have the bacteria. They can also visit jenis.com/recall for more information.
Listeria is one of the most common harmful microorganisms that can contaminate food. It causes symptoms such as nausea, headache, diarrhea, muscle stiffness, abdominal pain, and high fever. However, these symptoms can be worse or even life threatening to children and older people. Pregnant women, on the other hand, may experience stillbirth or miscarriage. The bacteria can also be dangerous to those who already have a compromised immune system such as HIV.
Earlier, one of the biggest ice cream brands Blue Bell has recalled all their products as well for the same reason.