Today, there are many types of diet fads that took the market by storm. There are fads like no-carbohydrates diets, protein-based diets, cave man diets and even the popular cabbage soup. However, many are still unaware of the benefits of plainly skipping meals once in a while. Intermittent fasting is a new way to lose weight, keep the body strong and promote overall health.
As far back as the 1930s, scientists have been exploring the benefits of reducing calories by skipping meals, reports Daily Burn. Intermittent fasting has many health benefits aside from controlling the cravings for sugar and junk food. It actually burns more calories that can lead to weight loss. In fact, in a study by Bronwen Martin, Mark Mattson, and Stuart Maudsley, caloric restriction and intermittent fasting are two diets that promotes healthy and successful brain aging. Thus, it can prevent Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease, two of the leading cause of frailty in older adults across the United States.
What is the science behind intermittent fasting in its quest to promote not only weight loss but also health? Intermittent fasting with caloric restriction benefits the body because it can increase the resistance and protection from oxidative, excitotoxic and metabolic stress. These processes may cause damage to the cells especially in the brain.
Aside from that, they protect the cells in the brain from nerve damage, reduce the risk for cardiovascular diseases and enhance insulin-sensitivity of the body to promote balanced and controlled blood sugar levels.
Intermittent fasting also promotes the reduction of a protein called Insulin-like Growth Factor. It is a protein similar to insulin. Scientists claim that IGF-1 is linked to aging and if this protein is reduced in the body, biological aging is slowed down and lifespan is extended.
In addition to the IGF-1 prolonging the life of the person, when the body undergoes fasting for more than 12 hours, the body signals all processes to work at their best. Hence, IGF-1 will be reduced that may lead to a faster rate of burning fats and decreasing the sugar levels of the body.
Fasting may sound harsh and hard but it is worth the effort. This method is not for everyone though. They need to seek medical clearance before starting any diet method to lose weight.