Spice Girls was definitely right: too much of something-anything-is certainly bad enough. For example, in Taiwan, a man was proclaimed dead after game binging.
A 32-year-old man named Hsieh was confirmed dead in the Internet café. According to reports, he had been in there for 3 straight days, ever hardly considering taking a break.
When he was discovered by the medics, he was already seen slumped right on his seat, not moving. Based on their reports, the man may have died from overexhaustion and even hypothermia, having been exposed to the cold temperature for days.
The Internet café was also located in Kaoshiung City, which is around 3 hours away from Taipei. Although the incident happened a week ago, it was only recently when the media got wind of it. Aside from its physical distance from Taipei, another possible reason may be the indifference shown by other Internet café users, some of whom may have been playing for days too. While others thought he was asleep, some simply didn't care too much about the man.
However, Hsieh himself was also an avid gamer and a regular customer. It's also customary for him to spend many days in the café, according to one of the employees. When he got tired, he usually slept in his cubicle, with his head down or slumped on the chair, the way he was seen by the medic. It also didn't help that he didn't show any external signs that something was wrong with him. It's only when an exmployee decided to approach him that he believed he was dead. Due to overexhaustion, his heart just stopped working.
The authorities are therefore planning to bring more awareness on the danger of game binging. They also advise players to move around or be engaged in some physical activity periodically when playing.