A teenage boy from New York complained of sweaty nipples and after a series of examinations, it was revealed that he was producing milk, a sign of a serious illness affecting his brain. He also suffers from other symptoms like narcolepsy, headaches and falls. The doctors revealed that he has a benign brain tumor.
Dr. Sandra Block, the neurologist who treated the teen, said in the website boingboing, this condition happens in men if the body is producing hormones that let them create milk, a condition called galactorrhea. "This is what happens with an active pituitary adenoma, a benign tumor in the middle of the brain sending the pituitary gland into overdrive," she explained.
The boy, only known by his first name, Duncan, went for a consultation with his parents. Apparently, aside from sweaty nipples he had other episodes of narcolepsy, or falling asleep in the most awkward moments and time, and series of falls. When the doctor has taken his health history, it appeared that his falls were not just stumbles but falling unconscious for several minutes. His narcolepsy attacks happened everywhere and anywhere. At one time, he was playing the trumpet at a heavy metal concert and he fell asleep.
Other symptoms that emerged were hallucinations and headaches. Hence, the neurologist came up with a medical diagnosis of narcolepsy with cataplexy (muscular weakness triggered by strong emotions). When the doctor was about to say her diagnosis to the patient, he suddenly added one more symptom that changed the course of the examination. His nipples are sweaty.
The doctor has solved the puzzles of symptoms. Duncan had sweaty nipples, narcolepsy, headache and series of falls ---- these suggested a benign tumor. Apparently, Duncan's tumor caused alterations in the hormones in his body causing him to produce milk. In medical terms, it is called galactorrhea. After a magnetic resonance imaging test, it confirmed a brain tumor. It was successfully removed through surgery and the boy lives normally without his symptoms.