Heroin overdose has been one predicament the country is facing in recent years. In Chicago, 74 people overdosed on heroin in just 72 hours and officials are tracing the probable source of the dangerous drugs.
A new study says, however, that young children given inhaled asthma medication or steroids before the age of two may end up shorter than their peers in later life.
A new study says that taking in supplements and drinking milk might not actually promote stronger bones. In fact, risk for fractures and brittle bones do not improve even when they take calcium supplements in seniors.
Thesoftware hack that allowed Volkswagen engines to dodge emitssions tests may have spewed enought pollution to have killed up to 20 people a year annually in the United States.
According to the report, Arkansas is the most obese state because they had the highest obesityt rate of 35.9% while Colorado is the least obese state. Actually, this state is the 29th largest but they are the biggest. Its rate increased from 21.9% and 17% in 2…
Through its accelerated approval program, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a Merck drug now used for treating melanoma for treatment of the most common type of lung cancer.