Modern women tend to have it easy than those who gave birth decades ago as today there are more convenient options. However, these choices may actually be doing more harm than good not only to the mothers but also to the babies, according to a French doctor.
In a new study published in the Journal of American Heart Association, scientists and researchers have discovered that black women are more prone to contracting serious heart diseases brought about my metabolic syndrome than white women or Caucasians.
A study found that older adults who had overactive bladder have a 40% increased risk of falling that those who do not. The study also found that treating overactive bladder reduces the risk of a fall.
One reason the Ebola epidemic is still ongoing in Guinea is that families are not giving up traditional funeral practices Bodies are being transported in taxis to avoid restrictions.
Millions of egg-laying hens in states have been killed or are about to be killed to try to stem the outbreak that may have arrived on the wings of migrating wildfowl.
The South appears to have more than its share of people with vision problems. Three out of four of the counties with the highest prevalence of vision loss were in the South.
Movie goers are up for some good news, watching 3D movies actually exercise the brain and improve short -term functioning at the same rate as brain-training tests.
Legionella has been detected in a hospital's water supply in Queensland a month after a patient died of sepsis, a bacterial infection of the blood and body.