Metabolic syndrome affects about one in every three adults in the United States and is a predictor for serious illness from cardiovascular disease. Why is a condition that is so serious so little known?
At least 10 people have already died from dehydration and starvation as hundreds of migrants from Bangladesh and Myanmar remained in sailing boats in Andaman Sea. This migration is currently considered as one of the major humanitarian crises facing Asia.
A teenager was forced to stay awake for one week to prevent a worm-like parasite to burrow further in her eyeball. This was a decision made by her doctors to halt the worm from eating her cornea and making her blind.
The Paleo diet is the newest trend in nutrition that is attributed to the food choices made by early people during the ancient Paleolithic era. Thus, it is now called the Paleo diet. They survived through gathering and hunting food. They mostly depended on lea…
Scientists are nearing the creatio of a genetically modified yeast that will produce morphine. This will change everything from drug manufacturing to drug trafficking.
Congress has banned the use of federal money to fund needle exchanges for drug users since the 1980s and many states have bans on them. Some politicians are considering the issue.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released a map which shows the most distinctive causes of death for all states in the United States including the District of Colombia.
People who put up some of their own money on whether they would be able to quit smoking were more successful than those who did not have their money on the line.
Everyone knew that drinking coffe was bad, Didn't they? Not only are their few health risks to drinking a moderate amount of coffee, there are actually some benefits.
A government agency has announced that it has developed reference materials to help genetic laboratories ensure their equipment iscorrectly analyzing a person’s genome.