The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released a map which shows the most distinctive causes of death for all states in the United States including the District of Colombia. Normally, the expected causes of mortality that are widely known are cancer, stroke and heart attack. However, did you know that there are distinctive and unexpected causes of deaths that are more frequent than expected?
For each state, all the listed causes of deaths that ranged from syphilis to influenza were higher than national averages, reports Immortal.org News. The death count for every state was taken from CDC's Wide-ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research (WONDER) from 2001 through 2010. When they collated the data, they were able to list 113 causes of deaths.
According to News Everyday, the map shows one distinctive mortality cause for every state. For some, these were predictable while others were unpredictable. For New Jersey, the biggest cause that was a surprise was septicemia. For Michigan, around 37,292 people died from atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and Montana entailed just 11 deaths caused by nephrotic syndrome.
"Some of the findings make intuitive sense, influenza in some northern states, pneumoconioses in coal-mining states, air and water accidents in Alaska and Idaho," the researchers wrote.
Distinctive causes of death include syphilis in Louisiana, hyperplasia of the prostate in California, Tuberculosis in Texas and meningococcal infection in Missouri.
According to one of the study's author, Francis P. Boscoe, PHD, a research scientist with the New York State Health Department, "Alaska's number of deaths attributed to accidents by boat or plane is '41 per million' in comparison to the rest of the country's six deaths per million."